Springtime Landscaping Needs

The seasons are changing up here in Northern Arizona and spring is right around the corner so we wanted to provide a few things for you to keep in mind as you get ready to start your spring cleaning. One of our main goals is to help our customers create an outdoor space that they want to be so hopefully these couple items will help you to spend as much time as possible this spring and summer in your yard.
1. Take a walk around your yard to access what exactly your landscape needs
Maybe more pine needles fell after your fall clean-up or you have a lot of dead limbs on plants that need pruning, everyone's yard will have landscaping needs as we begin to leave the winter behind. By taking the time to inventory what exactly needs to get done you can start to make plans to get them all addressed. This is best to do after the snow has melted and you can really see exactly what is needed.
2. Conduct a spring clean-up
Whether you and your family make a day of it or you hire a professional company (like us!) it is best to clean up debris, pine needles, flower beds, and prune dead limbs in your yard to give it a fresh start for the season. Start thinking about what your plan will be when the next thing to add to your to-do list for the spring. We do book very quickly in the springtime so we suggest that you call in advance to make sure that we can do our best to help you.
3. Turn on and repair irrigation system as needed
Many homes in Northern Arizona have irrigation systems that will need to be recharged and accessed as homeowners prepare their yards for plants this spring. If you know your system and feel confident turning the water back on and accessing any areas that may have broken over the winter that would be the next place to start. But, if this is not something you feel confident to address it is often best to call a professional (like us!) to ensure that it is properly taken care of.
4. Install new plants
After the irrigation is turned on and the flower beds have been prepped it's time to add some new plants or flowers to your space to give it some color and character. Do be prepared to cover them up should we get any late frosts but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying that beautiful spring color in your outdoor space.
Pro Tip: Do your best to keep in mind what each type of flower and plant needs to thrive (i.e. amount of sun, type of soil, space between other plants, etc.) when you go shopping to make sure that you are getting the correct plants for your space.
We hope that these tips will help you get started with caring for your Northern Arizona landscape and have a space that you just want to be in all season long. If there is anything that we can do to support you in getting your landscape ready to go please give us a call at (928) 525-0300 as we would love to work with you.