AZ Daily Sun's Best of Flagstaff
Every year, the Daily Sun creates a friendly competition between businesses where residents of Flagstaff can vote for their favorite...

We sure do love our employees!!
We know that each and every one of our employees are the backbone of what sets Agassiz apart. With all of this in mind, we strive monthly...

Springtime Landscaping Needs
The seasons are changing up here in Northern Arizona and spring is right around the corner so we wanted to provide a few things for you...

Our 2021 Reflection and Predictions for 2022
Our 2021 Reflections In 2021 the demand for landscaping was off the charts! With it being the second year of the COVID-19 Pandemic many...

Landscape Tasks to Add to Your Fall Checklist
Seasons are changing around here which means that summer is coming to an end and fall is starting up here in Northern Arizona. With that...

Landscape Lighting - What YOU Need to Know!
Landscape lighting can take your already beautiful landscape to the next level. Why let all the hard work and beauty disappear as soon as...

Create an Outdoor Space you WANT to Spend Time In!
Flagstaff summers are truly unbeatable which makes spending time outside in the evenings with those that you love a must - especially...

Agassiz Landscape Group COVID-19 Update (April 8, 2020) in Regard to Arizona’s Stay at Home Order:
Since Landscape Construction and Landscape Maintenance are both deemed “Essential Infrastructure Operations” and Agassiz is a small,...

COVID-19: A Message to Our Current and Future Customers
March 24, 2020 We are thinking of you and your family as we all navigate the constantly changing COVID-19 situation around the world and...

The In’s and Out’s on What we Offer for Landscape Maintenance Plans
Our Landscape Maintenance Division offers both residential and commercial service plans customized entirely to each customer’s needs. We...