Plants tantalize our senses, with abundant colorful blossoms on spring afternoons and the fragrance of blooms on warm summer nights, to a soft autumn bed of leaves or rough exposed winter bark. Plants offer so much to a landscape! They soften and bring life to what would otherwise be so sterile. A world without plants would be a desperate place; not to mention a little lacking of oxygen.
Nearly all of us love plants and know we need them, and we most likely want them in our landscapes. But, many people are afraid to use extensive plantings in their landscapes because they are challenged with a bad case of "Brown Thumb Disease." Talk to anyone who has tried to garden in northern Arizona and they'll tell you it is tough. It may have been the June snow in Flagstaff back in '95, or the countless Memorial Day freezes, or the June 20th in Sedona that hit 112°. Northern Arizona can be hard on plants! Success in gardening here requires an understanding of our seasons and their associated weather patterns, as well as the plant varieties and their related characteristics. In choosing Agassiz Landscape Group, rest assured ― we've been burned, froze, shriveled, drowned, chewed, pelted, and flat out killed by poor plant choices over the years. Trust us, the learning curve has been rough, but we've succeeded in our learning so you don't have to.
We are capable of selecting the proper plant for the right place to perform. With an installed irrigation system, we will warranty our plants for one full year after planting. We know a wide range of plants which will thrive for you, curing that "Brown Thumb" and making your deserved "Green Thumb" the envy of the neighborhood. Our choices of perennials are generally low-maintenance and by selecting the right-sized shrub for the right place in your yard, pruning should be minimal. Let our expertise give you the landscape you want and still give you the time to do whatever else you may want to do!